Septic Do’s and Don’ts
Tips for improving septic system heath:
- Spread washer use over the week rather than doing multiple loads in one day.
- Have liquid level alarms inspected 1-2 times per year to ensure proper operation.
- Make note of where key parts of your system are located for future reference and maintenance.
- Have pump screens and filters cleaned 1-2 times a year.
- Have your septic tank pumped out when sludge levels require it.
- Use water-conserving devices where possible.
- Have pumps, siphons, or other moving parts of your system checked 1-2 times per year to ensure proper operation.
- Remove or prevent trees with large root systems from growing near the septic system.
- Maintain a healthy grass cover over the septic system to prevent erosion and offer some insulation.
- Keep surface water from upslope or from roof drains away from your septic system.
- Have the inspection ports in your treatment mound, treatment field or at-grade checked regularly to ensure that there is no ponding of effluent.
- Compost your kitchen waste separately. Avoid the use of garbage disposal units.
- Never dump any materials directly into your septic tank.
- Limit the amounts of chemicals, fats, oils, greases, organics, or plastics from entering your system.
- Keep vehicles, equipment and ATV’s away from septic tank and off your through all 4 seasons.
- Allow snow to remain on your septic system to provide insulation.

Advanced Treatment Care
& Maintenance
Advanced treatment systems are designed to go beyond the standard wastewater treatment process, incorporating additional steps to treat effluent more effectively. These systems are capable of achieving higher levels of water quality and pollution removal, making them a crucial choice for demanding sites, or environmentally conscious homeowners.
Advanced treatment systems remove contaminants, solids, and nutrients from wastewater, significantly improving the quality of the treated water. These systems play a vital role in protecting both public health and the environment by ensuring released effluent meets stringent water quality standards.
However, due to the more intensive and sophisticated nature of these systems, they require diligent care and maintenance. To ensure the continued safe and efficient operation of your advanced treatment system, AWS recommends regular inspections and servicing by trained providers. This proactive approach not only safeguards the environment but also prolongs the life and effectiveness of your system for years to come.
Contact One of Our Instore Experts
Contact us today to get more information or to find the products that are right for you and your system.